A MAGPIE-focused session at the upcoming AIVP World Conference

The International Association Cities and Ports (AIVP) will be hosting the World Conference Cities and Ports (AIVP Worldconference 2024 – Lisbon) between November 27th to 29th, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. This event, themed “Open Piers: Steering flows between people, planet, and port cities”, will bring together experts, decision-makers, and key stakeholders from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities related to the relationship between port cities and their environment. The AIVP Conference will be the ideal opportunity for stakeholders to come together to collectively define pathways to a more sustainable future for port cities, especially in the face of the upcoming United Nations Oceans Conference.

As a MAGPIE consortium member and leader of Work Package 2 – Communication, Stakeholder Engagement, and Communication, the AIVP is proud to organize a parallel track focused on the Energy Transition, in which the MAGPIE project will play a key role. Immediate action is crucial to reduce carbon emissions, exemplified by initiatives like “green corridors” for clean ships in ports. Leaders are concerned about the societal impact of new technologies, particularly in port cities central to globalization, where citizens support decarbonization but fear job loss and inflation. Collaboration among port-city stakeholders is essential green industry development, crucial for future prosperity. Innovations like alternative fuels and resource-sharing facilitate less polluting solutions, driving the “green and intelligent port” revolution backed by projects like MAGPIE and PIONEERS, which are carried out by AIVP members. In this parallel track we will discuss the “green, just, and intelligent” transition in port cities, emphasizing the need to open up our docks to new ideas and new ways of working. A roundtable panel with MAGPIE members will be organized and moderated by Zenaida Mourao, INESC TEC and MAGPIE Work Package 4, and Michele Acciaro, Copenhagen Business School and co-author of MAGPIE Deliverable 9.1. At the end of the session, a workshop focused on the social acceptance and spatial impact of the energy transition will be hosted by Maurice Jansen, Erasmus UPT, as part of Work Package 8 of MAGPIE.

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