The 4th MAGPIE General Assembly takes place in DeltaPort

On the 16th of September, the MAGPIE Consortium gathered in Wesel, Germany to participate in the 4th MAGPIE General Assembly. Andreas Stolte, CEO of DeltaPort and host of the event, and Reyer Will, MAGPIE project manager, opened the General Assembly. Several key issues were addressed during this meeting. Each Work Package gave an update regarding its different tasks and its timeline for the upcoming months. There were also breakout sessions to discuss more specific tasks. Foremost, the advisory board was officially instated during this General Assembly. The MAGPIE Consortium was also happy to announce three new members pending the approval of the amendment. These partners are Rocsys (Rocsys | Hands-Free Charging Solutions), Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE)( Eindhoven University of Technology (, and Distro Energy BV (Distro Energy). The General Assembly concluded with a presentation concerning the Period 2 Reporting, as the MAGPIE project is quickly approaching the completion of the first 3 years of the project.

The advisory board will advise both the steering committee and the general assembly on their respective entities’ perspectives on the project and the potential implementation of solutions explored in the MAGPIE project. The advisory board members include the Municipality of Rotterdam (the Netherlands), the Municipality of Sines (Portugal), Le Havre Seine Metropole (France), the Ministry of North Rhine Westphalia, the European Sea Port Organisation (ESPO), and the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP).

Rocsys will be involved in the development of electrification and automation of trucking, which is included in Demo 9, Work Package 6. TUE will be involved in developing and marketing technologies and services for autonomous driving, automated guided electric vehicles, and autonomous vessels, by focusing on collecting and processing sensor data using artificial intelligence and machine perception. Distro Energy will focus on developing the conceptual grid and implementation design for the shore power facilities, its integration with the wind farm and the vessels’ power management dynamics, and the simulation of the grid design based on real-life data.

Three breakout sessions were organized during the general assembly to delve into more detail on three ongoing tasks that require the joint effort of the consortium in order to collect the necessary data. The breakout sessions were led by Work Packages 2 – Communication, Stakeholder Engagement & Dissemination, 3 – Energy Requirements & Supply Chains, and 7 – Non-technological Innovations. The host, DeltaPort, invited the MAGPIE participants to explore their three ports – City Port of Wesel, Port of Emmelsum, and Rhein-Lippe Port – through a boat visit after the General Assembly.

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